Oh boy, still can't believe Lily will be 18 Months old on Sunday. Where has time gone? I feel like we just brought her home from the hospital. I realized this today as I held my friend's new baby girl not even a day old yet. She weighs just under 5 lbs. Tiny little angel. It made me forget how little they start out. Even though Lily weighed almost a pound more than her it still reminded me of holding her. Lily came with me to the hospital and as soon as she saw me holding her she immediately wanted to be on my lap on top of the baby. She kept saying baby and pointing at her. I don't know if she was jealous or just interested in the baby. She had a cute pink hat on and a pretty pink outfit. I was able to share Lily's preemie clothes with them as they will most certainly need them for awhile. We didn't have many cause we were blessed to borrow some from friends whose 1st baby was pre-mature as well. But I am glad that they are getting worn again.
I look at Lily each day and notice new things she's doing. So much of me wants to be able to remember how she is at this age because she's most certainly entertaining and so funny with everything she does and says. I know I should be journaling things and I do but I am just afraid that I will forget the little things like the way she sings "Veggietales" when she wants to watch them. Or how she runs from you in her crib in the morning like she can really get far. Or the boat noise she makes in the bathtub with her boat and fish toys. Each moment so precious each moment passing so fast. I just pray that I am able to take time to notice each new thing she does and that I can cherish and remember these things later when she is all grown up and I am wondering what happened to my cute little toddler? She will always be my baby.
Our family will be taking a vacation to Hawaii this January. We will be going with Ryan's parents and sister & brother- in- law. We are very excited. Hoping and praying that the plane ride will not be torture to us or those around us. We may just have to invest in a portable DVD player and put on some Veggietales for her. This trip is supposed to be relaxing and enjoyable. Most of the vacations that Ryan and I have taken have been so planned and each day filled with things we HAD to do. This trip will not be that way. Ryan's even saying he doesn't want to bring his cell phone. I don't know if I will go that far. But I am looking forward to getting away from distractions of everyday life and basking in God's amazing creation. Can't wait to lay on the beach and read. It will be just what we need.
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