Thursday, April 29, 2010

35 Weeks, Hospital, Bed Rest

Wow it seems like every time I write I have something major to write about.  My next pregnancy book is going to have some long journals in it this time!
Let me start with last weekend.  We had Lily's 2nd birthday at my parent's house because I didn't want to mess with the stress of having it at our house with my blood pressure.  Even with just inviting local family we still had about 30 people there.  It went very well.  We had sandwiches and cake which my sister-in-law Abbie made.  The theme of her party was Toy Story so she put a Buzz and Woody on the cake.  Very impressive!  It was delicious too!  Lily enjoyed opening her presents but became a little shy and tired towards the end.  Plus it was approaching nap time.  I pretty much just sat there the whole time with my feet up.  Which is what the doctor ordered.
Monday was my 35 week appointment and scheduled non-stress test.  I knew it was going to be interesting because my blood pressure was high that morning.  I was expecting to be sent home on bed rest but instead they sent me to be admitted to the hospital for monitoring ( de ja vu?).  My blood pressure was 158/98 by the time my mom got there and we left for the hospital.  No ambulance this time.  Thank God!  Once I got there and got settled in my pressure came down.  They did an ultrasound and Charlee looked great.  They even estimated that she was about 6 & 1/2 pounds.  They were calling her a big baby.  Which is good considering we were thinking we could be having her the next couple days.  After some blood work and monitoring as well as a 24 hour urine test they discovered that I am not preeclamptic.  At least not yet.  This could be the very early stages of it so we will continue to run tests each week to try and catch it.  That being said.  If its ONLY blood pressure that is the issue at this point then they have to make me wait til 39 weeks before they can deliver. This would mean bed rest or blood pressure medicine until then.  But if signs of preeclampsia show up then they will deliver at 37 weeks.  It may sound crazy but I was disappointed to hear this.  I was kinda looking forward to having her in the next 2 weeks just cause I want her to still be little and I don't know if I can take 4 weeks of bed rest!  Plus she has really been kicking me hard these days.  I know she's going to break a rib!
I go back to the doctor tomorrow as a follow-up so we should know more about whether I will be put on blood pressure medicine or if I am to be on bed rest for the next couple weeks.  We are so thankful and blessed to have family close by that can take care of Lily for me.  I don't know how we would do this without them.
So keep praying that these next few weeks go well and that I don't go crazy from having to sit in a recliner all day!  At least I have gotten some reading done.  I have read more in the last 5 days than I have in the last 4 months.  So that's been nice.

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