Monday, December 21, 2009

17 Weeks, Christmas, & Baby #2

A lot to update and Lily is waking so I am going to try to make this brief.  I am 17 weeks pregnant today and feeling great!  I am confident that the morning sickness is gone because I have not gotten sick in over 2 weeks.  I am still cautious as I do still eat a blueberry mini-muffin before I get out of bed every morning but I am certrain that I am on the home stretch and have entered the best part of pregnancy.  A little side not to the feeling great was that I had to have a root canal done a week ago and had it finished today.  That was not fun but needless to say something that couldn't be avoided.  Now I have to get it filled in 2 weeks and a crown put on after the baby is born.  Never thought I would have either but what can you do!

I think this is definitely the most excited I have been for Christmas in a long time.  For selfish reasons I am sure.  I cannot wait to see Lily open her gifts this year as well as Garrett open his gifts.  Its so much more fun when there are kids involved.  We did manage to get each other gifts this year too but I am more excited about what Lily is getting.  I am also excited to start our tradition of reading the Christmas story from the Bible on Christmas eve to Lily.  We will be using her Fisher-Price Little People Nativity to help tell the story.  She already knows who all the characters are as she calls Mary, Joseph, Jesus and the Shepard by name.  If we think of it we will be sure to put cookies out for Santa as well.  Another tradition I hope we can continue for some years.  This will also be our (Ryan & I's) 7th annual trip to the Plaza on Christmas Eve to eat at PF Chang's.  A tradition dating back to before we got engaged; the night before to be exact.  It will be fun to take Lily.  We hope to get off to an early start so that we won't have to wait long to eat.  And so we can get her home early enough to get to bed and read the Christmas Story.

We are also excited about Christmas because we were able to find out what we are having last Monday and shared it with our families yesterday.  Another wonderful Christmas gift from a friend of ours, Mell, who does ultrasounds for a doctor at SMMC.  Thanks Mell!  We were 16 weeks and very thankful that the baby cooperated and we were able to see without doubt that we are having a GIRL!!!  I am so excited that Lily is going to have a little sister to play with.  She will get to share in everything that my sister and I did growing up.  Playing dolls, barbies, dress-up, and much more!  I pray that they are close and that they get along good.  But more importantly until then that she is healthy and that I am to carry her full-term without complications.
That's all I can think of for now.  Merry Christmas!

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