Saturday, March 20, 2010

About 30 Weeks, Ryan's Job, Lily's Climbing

Well where do I start!  I am about 30 weeks pregnant.  I go back to the doctor on Monday to give report of how well my blood pressure has been doing.  I'd say I have averaged around 119/69 most days.  Which is really good since normal is 120/80.  I am not sure if she is still going to have me do all the other tests like we did last time.  But being cautious is good.  I wouldn't want to miss something this time around.  I also hope that my weight gain has subsided.  I feel like I haven't eaten as much these past couple weeks.   My appetite doesn't seem to be what it was with Lily but I still seem to be gaining the weight. 
Charlee had the hiccups for the first time the other night (Thursday).  I was beginning to wonder if she was going to have them at all.  Lily had them constantly and still gets them occasionally.  Charlee has been a lot more active these days.  The other night Ryan and I were playing with her as she was poking us and we were poking back at her.  Can't wait to see what she's going to look like.  Charlee's room is basically done.  We need to do some minor cosmetic things but for the most part if she were to come early we would have everything we would need immediately.  There are a couple things that I'd still like to get before then like a hamper, another Diaper Champ, some more changing pad covers, extra bed sheets, and stuff like that.  We have plenty of Newborn diapers as I have been buying one pack a month since I found out I was pregnant.

Ryan has been on his new job site for a couple weeks now and is enjoying it.  The only down side is some days he has to work late.  I am going to do my hardest to not complain about this because I know this is what he wants and that he's happy.  Its just hard when earlier this week he didn't get home til 9:30pm.  He went 48 hours without seeing Lily.  I know that was hard on him.  We can take comfort in knowing that this project is only supposed to last til Mid-July and then maybe he will be moved to another project closer to home.  Which will be nice when Charlee gets here.  I am going to be positive about it because I am thankful he has a job and that now he is doing what he wants to do for a change.  It just would be nice to have him home before 6pm most nights.  At least he gets paid overtime.

Well Lily has officially become a "big girl".  Friday afternoon I came in her room after her nap and she had been playing in her room OUT of her crib.  Course I didn't know this because the batteries in the monitor I had were dead.  So who knows how long she had been out of her crib.  At least she didn't hurt herself.  It looked like she was enjoying herself as she had scattered all her diapers on the floor and pulled off come barrettes off of her bow/clip hanger.  No real damage was done.  I was most concerned for the space heater and humidifier in there.  She knows the heater is "hot" so she knows to leave it alone most days.  I was thankful this was one of them.  So last night we decided to still leave her in the crib to see if this climbing episode was a one time thing or if she was going to do this every time.  We woke to a thud and then her crying on the floor in her reading corner.  We aren't sure if she had just climbed out or if she woke up there confused and scared.  She didn't appear to have hurt herself.  The "thud" we heard could have been her bumping her head on her book shelf.  So we most likely will convert her crib into the toddler bed.  It has a 3/4 rail that attaches to it.  I just hope this means she will sleep in her bed and not get out and play.  Especially during nap time.  Nap time is the only time I have to get stuff done like anything I need to do on my computer like work on photos or reconcile business stuff.  So we'll see how it goes.  As long as she can't get out of her room I am ok with her staying in there to play if she doesn't sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't know you could feel baby hiccups! How funny. I can't even imagine what that would feel like.

Meek Family Happenings- Word Press Blog