Wednesday, May 12, 2010

37 Weeks & Counting...

Well the test results weren't as high as we were hoping.  So no scheduled c-section for Friday.  But my doctor did say that if my blood pressure is high enough at my appointment tomorrow then we can plan to have the c-section done tomorrow and not mess around.
I know a lot of people have been telling me that its better to wait for her to stay in there longer but I am sure that if my doctor felt that needed to happen she wouldn't be willing to do this for us.  She knows my history and knows that Charlee has been doing really well on all the Non Stress Tests and the sonogram 2 weeks ago showed a large healthy baby.  I am full-term now so she most likely feels it is in my best interest to go ahead and deliver before anything else happens with me.  Especially since last time we caught the preeclamsia too late.  Now I do want to do what's best for Charlee and myself obviously.  But I completely trust my doctor's opinion because she knows me and she knows what my body can handle at this point.  My first c-section wasn't normal as in they had to make an extra incision to get Lily out.  This is also a concern at this point because with Charlee being so big she doesn't want my extra incision to cause problems the bigger she gets and the more stretched I become in that area.  So while I do want to do what is best for Charlee and to wait til she's "ready" to come out I also want to trust my doctor knows what's best for me and for the baby and that she would never do anything that wasn't going to be good for both of us at this point.
I'm just ready to be done with bed rest.  Ready to spend some quality time with Lily outside on nice days.  Ready to help around the house again.  Ready to sleep at night.  Ready to be done with the day to day worry about when she's going to get here.  I trust God with this pregnancy and have since the beginning.  If she is to arrive tomorrow then it will happen.  And if not then I guess we wait one more week and hope things don't get worse.  God, I know you are in control.  But a little plan would be nice sometimes ;-)

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